Your Press Kit
People make all kinds of claims about their skills and
abilities when in fact they’re not true, so it’s little wonder that employers
are naturally skeptical. So if you have
won awards, have been quoted in the news, or have any other type of “proof”
that your accomplishments really do exist, then build a portfolio and send it
with your cover letter and resume. I’ve
done this myself many times, first as a job-hunter and than later as a
head-hunter in search of projects. A
picture is worth a thousand words and an article, reference letter, or thank
you note from a client, is worth a thousand more.
♦ If you’re a student looking for your first real
job, send a transcript of your marks. It
probably doesn’t matter but it might, especially if you kept a high GPA and a
part time job.
♦ Copies of articles and awards should be included
♦ Use Xeroxed copies;
don’t send originals because you may never get them back
♦ In articles, highlight the part about you so
they don’t need to search for it.
♦ Bring this with you to an interview as well because the individual items in the Press Kit make good talking points.