On the 3rd Day of Xmas --- Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters revealed to me::
In grade school we learned the 3 Rs of Reading, wRriting and aRithmetic. Those were our most important lessons [ok so I’m dating myself]. For job-hunters it’s Research, Relevancy, and Resiliency which will deliver an A+ interview.
As a job-hunter you need to research and determine:
- what are your marketable skills
- which industries/companies you should target that use those skill
- what are the specific needs of each company in your target market;
- who’s in a key position to hire you in those companies [who can say YES to hiring you AND it won’t be human resources unless you’re an HR professional]; and
- what’s the best way to approach them?
The way you approach people will be determined by your
research. There’s more about research
in the
Your skills have to fit an employer’s needs. It has to solve the employer’s hot buttons [their corporate weaknesses – this could be sales, market development, research ops]. Remember it’s not about you it’s about THEM! At the core employers’ initially only want to know three things about you:
- Can you make me money?
- Can you save me money? and/or
- Can you increase our efficiencies?
As global competitiveness increases, employers will be looking for all three of the above. In Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters the book we clearly demonstrate how to express your relevancy – “Value” – to an employer.
Resiliency is the ability to spring back from disappointment and keep moving forward. This is a quality which keeps Guerrilla job hunters focused on their goals and driving forward on a daily basis.
Adopt a positive mind set no matter what. Here’s how you do
it: You should have your job hunting goals sitting in front of you everyday and
review it everyday. Morning and night and then execute that plan.
Guerrilla job hunters always look for the positives even when people and events are clearly indicating they shouldn’t. Guerrilla job hunters need to look under rocks too. Let me end this section with a story that touches on all the points you’ve been reading about attitude. This has been a taste of what’s in chapter # 2 of Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters.