simply put, the dramatic changes we're witnessing in the global marketplace for talent mean that the tried-and-true methods of finding a job are no longer enough. Of course traditional networking and good old fashioned resumes should remain a solid part of your plan, but they won’t provide you with an adequate amount of exposure to all the potential employers who should know about you. It's a fact that most people’s job searches fail or take way too long because they can't get on the radar of the right hiring manager - the one who has a job you want AND can actually hire you. Essentially, most people fail to get noticed by the tight people. But the fact of the matter remains clear - being noticed or "found" is the key to getting the interview and the interview is THE key to getting hired. Most job hunting books today fail to move the job hunters quest forward because they skip the part between “designing a resume” and actually getting “the face-to-face interview”. You know what i'm talking about -the setting up of the first meeting part! That’s one of the areas where Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters excels. Feel free to read through the postings on and listen to the podcasts - you may discover a few ideas you can use in your job search today.
Compliments of David E Perry and Kevin Donlin. For more creative job search tactics, go to the Guerrilla Marketing for job hunters blog and download the free audio CD.