Dane Picknell is a friend of mine and fellow Beaver Leader. He’s also a heck of a promoter having organized the Ottawa Santa Clause parade from scratch for 5 years in a row. Now after a few yeas of fishing and traveling he’s finally looking for a fulltime gig. When he asked, I suggested he do one of my 1 page eXtreme Makeover resumes designed to elicit an interview. He did but it took him 6 months to get around to sending it out. So last Friday he finally gets around to usi9ng it. His unfettered note to me is below:
“Just a note to let
you how your resume information has affected my job search. The other day I was
called in for the introduction meeting w/ a potential employer. After going through
the initial salutations and blablablas, the person on the other end of the
table commented that I had plenty of
experience from working with all these companies I had
listed via their logos. I then
mentioned that these companies were only some of the businesses that I had
obtained sponsorship from and that I had made relations with in the past. I
then said, "But the real reason for the posting of their logos on my
resume" was to get your attention. Well that was it. She offered an extremely
forward congratulations and expressed her sincere "I'm impressed"
comment. It worked" she said. I was then asked which one of the 2 positions
would I be interested in. And that I could expect a call from the President
for a detailed interview. Nothing is black or white anymore in this
world. Color and imagination is the key
to success!” - Thanks, Dane
Ok so what you ask? Well, it took me the whole summer to get him to do this so now I’m going
to follow his progress and you can too. And I’d like it if you gave him advice too – right in this blog. You can hold my feet to the fire while I do
the same for him.